Thursday, April 23, 2009

No More Unemployment (Reports)

Three weeks ago we pointed out that in a world where perception is reality, the real problem is not the problem itself but its quantification. As a logical consequence, we suggested that we can solve our problems if we stop counting. As we saw, the concept proved immensely successful as it managed to fix the balance sheet mess overnight and restore health in the banking system overall and the bankers' savings accounts in particular.

It should come as no surprise that Russia who actually based 70 years of superpower status on the concept, decided to take it one level higher and use it to fix the problem of unemployment once and for all. We learn today that "Russia's statistics office will make monthly jobless reports secret after data showed unemployment was soaring fast and experts said it was the biggest threat to social stability". There you have it, straight from the experts: Unemployment reports are the biggest threat to social stability...


Sgt. Floyd Pepper said...

Amazing stuff!! These are the same guys who used to shut down the stock market when it was dropping double digits... the infamous "Putin Put"!!

Waldorf said...

How can you beggin to comment on news like that. Fucking ostriches...the stupidity of this is way bigger on the richter scale than a lot of the news coming out lately...