Wednesday, April 15, 2009

His moon is in Uranus

After the stress ball and umbrella cash flow bonanza it seems that Lehman’s liquidators are turning to some other big ticket items to help repay that massive debt.

May i suggest they try Ahmadinejad. He might be interested in some pure weapons grade raw material…?


Sgt. Floyd Pepper said...

@ Waldorf: Ahahaha, pity that the Madoff liquidators don't have any physical delivery from matured commodity contracts... just cos' they never traded any contracts in the first place... What a global mess this is!!

Statler said...

Let me get this straight. The only investment bank that was ever refused a bailout by the US government is now a potential nuclear power?!? I am sure Paulson's mansion comes with a fully equiped bunker, but if I were him I would check just to be sure...