Thursday, April 9, 2009

Like a Rolling Stone

The events and facts surrounding the Madoff case are more or less known. What is perhaps less well-known is the fact that the SEC has filed more than 75 enforcement cases involving Ponzi schemes over the past two years!! 

The latest one comes from Denver, once home of the Great Bob Dylan and the setting for Dynasty. It’s amazing what people do for a motor home and a cabin in Idaho!!

# Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? #


Statler said...

Excellent, SFP! Brought back memories one of our earlier posts

Waldorf said...

Excellent indeed! Ponzi related news seems to be a favourite theme/topic up here in the Balcony, which also brings to mind a future post we have in mind for some time to post. How bout it Statler

Statler said...

@W Impecable timing as always. The secret to a good post is not to come early...