Thursday, May 14, 2009

You Have the Right to Remain Silent

I thought we had a deal and we were all clear on it. We would inject ourselves with every fiscal and monetary drug the FED and Treasury chemists could come up with. Then we would rid ourselves of all these ugly anchors to reality (mark-to-market and the likes). And finally we would feast on a daily diet of the strongest antidepressants so that we can do just that: avoid the dreaded Depression (after all we don't get to be called the Prozac Nation for nothing).

And just as the plan was beginning to work and the masses were embarking to this Utopia of Recovery, we find out what? That we can't even get our own people to get high!!! Not only they stubbornly refuse to get themselves injected, but they insist to preach soberness to those willing to listen!! This can by no means be tolerated. He will of course be replaced by someone "more upbeat" (appropriate term for "high"), but the preaching has to stop as well!

Freedom of speech and the First Amendment can only go that far; the stakes are too high here and we are doing it for their own good anyway...

1 comment:

Βάσκες said...

There's definitely light at the end of the tunnel.

Can't make out very well what it is though...

What's that whistling sound?